News Alert: Wild Lane officially has chickens

watching little chicken butts waddle around and peck the earth is probably a new favorite pastime of ours. As of last weekend our coop became functional to house our chickens; which was good because I had purchased two on a whim from a classified add a couple days before. I know I know. That is a no no. I have heard it said many times, never purchase the chickens before the coop is done. What can I say I am a weak human. Weak! But aren’t they sweet : )

Penelope the Ameraucana & Meredith the Barred Rock
Penelope the Ameraucana & Meredith the Barred Rock

Penelope & Meredith. They were said to be between 8 and 10 weeks old. Fully feathered and ready for the coop. The first two nights they stayed inside the house with us. Immediately I picked up that Penelope is quite cautious and not sure about us, she has this intelligent look in her eye and the way she tilts her head you can tell she is thinking and curious, possibly planning my demise. Not to worry, I will make her love me. Meredith from night one, snuggled in my lap and fell asleep. She is gentle and loving and will come to me when I open the coop, let me hold her.  I have always had people say that chickens all have different personalities and now I know that to be true.

Miss Meredith our first night
Miss Meredith our first night
Rolling and fluffing themselves in the dirt. Feeling quite at home.

11401252_900587719980215_5190322278603655152_n  So why stop at two!? I am happy to admit that I also have 4 little chicks in our living room rolling around in wood chips and pecking at their crumbles. They are almost 4 weeks old. Feisty little things. They are muts to be honest I am not sure what breed they are. They came from a coop with Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons, Barred Rocks, and who knows what others : )

Thelma, Georgia, Gwenny, and Duck.


Duck? you say. Duck. A Chick named Duck. Yes when you have an almost 5 year old son you eventually get something like a chick called Duck. It really has meaning; ever since we brought the four home, Duck continues to well duck! under all his siblings usually resulting in making them topple over in a puff of feather fluff and wood shavings. Have I mentioned having chickens is something I wish we had done years ago?

Our goals in the next few weeks are to finish up the coop. While it is functional for them we still need a permanent gate to come and go from. I also have an old doorknob that I found last year at a yard sale that I need to fit to their door. Little things that will eventually happen….when I am not busy playing with the chickens and watching corn grow. Until next time. Stay wild!